To be a global family committed to spreading the fires of revival, founded on the truth of His Word and Spirit, winning souls and igniting passion and desire for God in the hearts of believers around the world.




The Glory City Network is a community of churches and ministries committed to bringing the gospel message of Jesus Christ’s love and hope to the nations.

As a network of believers we desire to see nations transformed by developing revival environments where people encounter the presence of God, entering into the fullness of life with the Holy Spirit and know their identity through the truth of His Word. The Network is a place where believers are equipped to win souls, make disciples and where every follower of Christ is naturally supernatural with miracles, signs and wonders following them to the ends of the earth.

We invite you to join with us as Kingdom Advancer’s, bringing heaven to earth in every town, city and nation!

Heading #1
By Invitation
Glory City Network Blog
GCN Newsletter
Conferences and Events
Advance Notice
New Believers Materials
Topical Online Groups
Private Facebook Group
35% discount for Glory Prophetic School & Academy Online
35% discount for Conferences
GCN Leader Zooms
50% discount to Glory Prophetic School and Academy Online
Free VIP Registration for Conferences
Annual Leaders Retreat
Priority access to Apostolic and Pastoral Support & Guest Ministry
Latest Books
Resource Sharing


Glory City Network Blog
GCN Newsletter
Conferences & Events Advance Notice
New Believers Materials


$30/per month
All Grow Level benefits
Topical Online Groups
Private Facebook Group
35% discount for Glory Prophetic School & Academy Online
35% discount for Conferences


-By Invitation
All Grow Level benefits
Topical Online Groups
Private Facebook Group
GCN Leader Zooms
50% discount to Glory Prophetic School and Academy Online
Free VIP Registration for Conferences
Annual Leaders Retreat
Priority access to Apostolic and Pastoral Support & Guest Ministry
Latest Books
Resource Sharing


Network Page

New GCN churches and ministries will be invited to join the log in area of the Glory City Network web page. This log in will enable them to access

  • Resources
  • Recorded Conference Sessions
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Facebook Group

Leaders and associate leaders from within the GCN are invited to join a closed Facebook Group. This group site is for leaders to internally share testimonies, prayer points, and upcoming events.
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Latest Books

GCN Advance members will receive a signed gift of Katherine Ruonala or Mark Greenwood’s latest books.

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Resource Sharing

There are many leaders across the GCN that are operating in a five fold gifting. Part of the vision for the GCN is to be able to share these people as a resource to the broader Network.

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GCN Newsletter

Keep in touch with all that’s happening across the Glory City Network with access to the Glory City Church Newsletter. Be inspired by the testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

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Discount for Glory Prophetic School & Academy Online Foundation Theology Unit

Glory Prophetic school – Become awakened to the voice of God with life-changing teaching, authentic community and transformative activations. The Glory Prophetic School exists to equip your every day world, making the prophetic accessible and demystifying the process.
In our course you will learn how to:

  • Develop intimacy and steward the prophetic in your life
  • Learn the basic guidelines and develop an understanding of the purpose of the prophetic
  • Operate in prophetic evangelism
  • Operate in prophetic intercession and prayer
  • Plus much more

The Academy online is a core teaching stream running from February to November each year that unpacking a range of foundational theological topics.
These teachings are fundamental for thriving in the Christian life and in intimacy with God. This is globally recognised teaching and is bearing enormous fruit in many lives and communities. To find out more visit

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Free Access to New Believers Materials

We have a range of materials including video’s and templates designed to support every saint in discipling new believers.

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Monthly topical online groups

Join with other Glory City Network members each month for an interactive topical teaching or workshop. Learn more about finances, the prophetic, evangelism, righteousness, healing and so much more.

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